My Dear Readers,
Today I want to introduce you to Two new Web Blogs that went live yesterday and today.
One is for my husbands paintings and is found here
This blog complements his 2 websites
If you like abstract paintings, go ahead and check them out. He has some beautiful works of art with vibrant colors and textures.
Secondly I opened my Arts and Crafts Web Blog C.K.Creations. If you love arts and crafts, you will not be disappointed. I will be talking about techniques, projects I will make and once in a while a free tutorial for you to recreate some design I make. There will also be several pieces on sale at C.K.Creations, as well as here under My Arts and Crafts page on this blog.
So, if you are into arts and crafts yourself, or if you are trying to find a personalized gift check it out. And if there is anything specific you want, just send me an email at or
Have a great weekend and as always, comments and questions are very much appreciated.