Quinoa Muffins, Chili and Zucchini Lasagna

Hi everybody,

I don’t know if you have days where you do not know what to cook. It happens to me quite frequently. So I decided to do a little Savory Tuna Quinoa Muffins pre-cooking and freezing. On the menu were 2 kinds of Savory Quinoa Muffins, Black Bean Chili and Zucchini Lasagna.

I have heard a lot about quinoa and how good it is for you, but never really got into it – until my husband came back from Peru and brought Black Quinoa, Red Quinoa and Tri-Color Quinoa. Once I made it and tasted the different varieties, I fell in love.

Red Quinoa
Quinoa is very versatile and you can get it locally or order it from Amazon Village Harvest Peruvian, Red Quinoa, 16 Ounce

You can cook it and use it in salads, or you can eat it as a side dish. You can mix it with vegetables, or you can make Quinoa Muffins. Those quinoa muffins can be savory or sweet.

I decided to make 2 kinds: Savory Vegetable Quinoa Muffins and Savory Tuna Quinoa Muffins. They freeze very well and I can make a bunch at one time and when we feel like a muffin, I just pop them in the microwave. I will add the recipe shortly.

Then my husband brought ground beef and black beans. So I decided to make Black Bean Chili. I had plenty of tomatoes and Black Bean Chilionions, so I soaked the whole bag (24oz) of black beans over night – yes I know, a lot 🙂 – and the next morning used my slow cooker to cook them for 8 hours. Yummmmmm 🙂

Chili is perfect for freezing, so I made plenty for several meals. Just defrost it over night and you are good to go the next day. Going to add that recipe too soon.

Zucchini LasagnaThen my husband was craving lasagna. We do not use pasta, so he brought me zucchini to use instead. Zucchini are a little bit different, because they have a lot of water. So your best bet is to roast them in the oven first. that dries them out and they won’t have any water left to give off in the lasagna. I cooked the lasagna sauce for 6 hours and it tasted like heaven 🙂

The Zucchini Lasagna was also a lot, so there will be plenty for future cravings, as lasagna freezes well. Recipe coming soon.

As you can see, my freezer is quite full 🙂

P.S. Going to work on my recipes, so I can post them. I don’t really measure very much when I cook, so I really have to sit down and look at the ingredients and how much of each I used….

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